Saturday, July 22, 2017

Nandada with Korean language and location is a good one forcing Nepal to live for five months

Asked about migration of a 5 month prisoner after a Nepali woman asked the Japanese schoolgirl with a Korean woman.

Korean language and location are forced to stay in jail for a period of 5 months. Durga Aryal (Namn Sabarnat) named Morang, who is working in Korea's Ansan, is going to serve for a period of 5 months, asking where the Korean woman is located in this place. Is dead

According to the migrant house operator Yagraj Subedi, when Aryal reached to see the chaos work from the anniversary of the company's refusal, Arya asked for some Korean lectures while searching for a hotel to settle after the car was not returned to night. The two three Korean questions were asked. They went back to ask a woman who was walking The hotel was staying close to the help of all

Asked about the hotel's location, Aryal was arrested from the Hotel Beluka hotel due to the fact that a schoolgirl told her father that she was raped by a foreigner who had taken her home to the hotel.

Subedi said after leaving for Aryal for three four hours, but after coming two years after returning to Nepal, he was arrested from the international airport.

After arresting Aryal, he also asked for help in the Nepali embassy in Soul, saying that he was innocent and was not able to get such assistance from Dutabbas. He had appealed to the migrant house manager and social activist Yagraj Subedi to write the entire expansion of the incident.

Subedi Nepal has been able to get rid of the jail after 5 months after the Korean journalist was arrested, and after five months, he said, adding that he was successful in getting rid of jail due to being innocent, Suddi said.

Currently, I am preparing to return to Nepal on migrant house tomorrow, returning tomorrow to Nepal. During the battle of Munda, Morang Dynamic Society also supported Aryal as well.

Some of the incidents happened in the police trap due to the fact that the woman raising a girl in secret, secretly photographing the photographs, is a few incidents. In the summer of the past year, due to the fact that some Korean women arrested Bikinikini dressed on the beach in Busan Hunde in the summer, some of the Nepalese police officers were trapped.

According to Korea's law, a Korean woman under 16 years of age has long been seen by a blind eye for a long time, because a Korean woman needs to be very careful about asking or speaking.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

What is the difference between South Korea? Contact here



If you are going to South Korea for foreign employment, then find out about various types of disadvantages that can be contacted or known. Some such places and their contact numbers are as follows.

Nepali Embassy

Address: Seenjam, Seoul

Phone no: 0082 02 378 99 770/1



In connection with emergency situations

Mission Deputy Chief 01033224848

Layer Consular 010 9 4 9221

The firm to find the firm:

Non Residential Nepali Association

Address: Vonom Dong Dongi Guo South Korea

Contact no: +82050 9 87604



Korea Support Center for migrant workers

Address: Garibong 1 Dong Seoul

Contact No. 02 6 9 00 8002



Asian migration center



Other casual nemers

Fire and ambulances: 119

Police: 112

Other Gulf Emergency Status: 133 9

Source: websites mentioned above

Posted by: Subash Ghimire

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

'Korean' model proposal to send workers to Israel

Preparation of a new agreement

27th April, Kathmandu Nepal has proposed to introduce Korea like 'Employment Permission System' (EPS) method to Korea and to increase its work area.

The Foreign Employment Department has proposed to modify the method of transporting a quota-like carrier after the new agreement of Israel's population and the immigration system (PBA) Samu. The Nepali side is proposed to implement the methodology based on language examination for the initial choice of workers like Korea.

Nepalese officials have emphasized that Nepalese officials have been forced to take the workers in the area whereas other than the care giver. Officials of the department said that Nepalese workers are likely to get work in other areas in Israel as well as adding work areas.

Why Korean Models?

From now on, Israel has been selected through Chhattisgarh and examination is taken.

However, the director of the department, Mohan Adhikari, said that now the language has been proposed to examine all the applicants. "We can take exams like EPS, this will also address the applicant's complaint," the official said. "We have offered such a proposal as qualified persons also get opportunity."

According to the director, the proposal has been raised by selecting the candidates on the basis of the letter and examining the EPS method by selecting the best.

Nepal has also proposed to increase the number of workers employed in a hangout, in which Israel has given positive answers. Israel is currently testing only 60 Nepali workers as a test guard in the year.

There is a number of training gifers and Hebrew language training in Israel's hope to be known. However, due to limiting method of giving limited quota and initial choice too, it is very disappointing to dream for visiting Christianity for employment. They have also been expecting a rash process to be rampant.

Now the second phase of Nepali worker going to Israel in the second phase has become public. At this stage, Israel is carrying 18 male and 42 women as a caregiver. In the first phase, 5 people were taken.

This time 1442 people had died in Israel as a Career Giver. Out of that, 100 people were examined by checking on a language examination. The director said that now Israel will send more one-quota quota to the new agreement until Israel.

Good Destination - Israel

Korea is not going to go to life, but it is considered to be a good destination for Nepali who does not want to go to the Gulf and Malaysia. It is also possible for Nepali women studying health issues to become a very good destination. Nepalis have traveled to Israel for more than one lakh rupees.

The three-month care giver trained or nursing readers mentioned in the Israel-based MOU. Especially in Israel, caretaker laborers have been taken home care workers as care workers.

In the first phase, 59 people had reached Israel with their choice. They get jobs for 5 years in Israel. In such a way, Nepali workers should go to Israel only to pay only $ 950 as well as health tests, insurance expenses.