Friday, October 20, 2017

Good luck with Diwali's wishes

In the home,
Be angry with enemies,
Every wish is complete,
Have a rainy day
Your trip is special
Happy Birthday of Tiger.


Mass Bars,
Fruit Pickles,
Peacock on the dark night of Aries
The wave of happiness,
Wish you a happy trip.


Tiger has come, happy shadow,
Gave birth to all,
Weird play, enjoyed,
Everyone gathered, happy weather shadows,
In this way, always come out of life,
Good luck!


Blessing blessings,
Love partner- brother,
Sustainable friend,
Great glory,
Always keep on ...
Heartclub Happy Birthday of Lakshmi Puja


Lord Lakshmi Pyar's best wishes !!!
Goddess Lakshmi Mataak of Dandhyani should always be in your home and the blessings of peace, prosperity, and peace in your family, will always remain.


Lightweight and light of the lamp
Mid of the Desi and Bhalo song
Celebrate this festival
Greetings for a happy patrol.

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