Thursday, October 19, 2017

Today in the history of labor agreement, with the second labor agreement Jordan

There is a bilateral labor agreement between Nepal and Jordan as the Second Labor Agreement in Ethiopia of Labor Agreement. Labor Minister Farooq Mansur and coordinator of Jordan in the agreement. Ali Ali Gajavi has signed a special ceremony in Amman in Jordanian capital

After 12 years Nepal has a second labor agreement with any country. Earlier, in 2005, Nepal had signed a labor agreement with Qatar.

According to the agreement with Jordan, now the minimum daily salary of the employee going to Jordan from Nepal is $ 250, and the US employee has set $ 3,000. According to this, it was said that there was no justification for making a compromise on demanding a compromise without the minimum salary.

Jordan linked to Israel border with Jordan, Jordan has been offering Nepalese germent industries. Also, as per the workmanship of various work, the commands have come, but the interest was not considered as the salary when compared to the other Gulf countries. After the labor agreement, now there will be a minimum of $ 250 worth of Nepali workers who are available for ordinary work.

Jordan has more than 5,000 Nepali workers. There is no separate embassy for Jordan. Israel is a border-linked country with Israel's work of diplomatic coordination of this country.

In the Labor Agreement with Jordan, now the Nepali workers will apply a policy of free visa and free ticket to Jordan. This is mentioned in the agreement that the employer has to pay for the tickets and expenses for the return of the worker. Similarly, workers will get 24-hour health and accident insurance throughout the contract period.

The agreement between the second Jordan is positively seen while the Nepalese main destination countries are unable to make a labor agreement with Malaysia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Levan, Kuwait, Bahrain and other countries. The government has been informed that the free visa-free ticket management system will also be improved with the agreement with Jordan.

Nepalese workers who are in such a country should face various problems when there is no labor agreement in the countries considered to be the main destinations of Nepal. When a policy-making agreement becomes responsible for company and work towards each other, labor consolidation is considered to be important. In Nepal's context, now one hundred 10 countries are open for foreign employment. Of which, till now, only 2 deals in the agreement are very funny.

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