Saturday, October 21, 2017

Korea: read, listen and see

Two countries are understood from Korea. Republic of Korea and the Democratic Census Korea. In the language of Bolchali, these two countries are called South and North Korea respectively, but only Korea is one of Korea.

I read this truth when reading both the minds of Korea. Twenty years ago I had reached the Democratic Census of Korea. There was absolutely disgust in America in the public. They hate Korea's two artificial borders.

They also believed that Korea would be one. Our interpreter had said - by 2025 Korea will be one. The Korean people will be free from slavery of imperialism. Even after the Republic reached Korea in 2016, I found this feeling in public. As the north of the north, the people of the South could not hate the US, but they told me - we have experienced anxiety because of this artificial border. This artificial border should be broken for our pleasure. Not only so, I saw Hong Kong's posters hanging in various institutions.

The posters did not even attempt to identify the '38th parallel' drawn by the US. They did not even like to talk about that parallel line. Instead, I had to find out that line.
I did not realize that there was a lot of Korea integration before taking steps in South Korea. After spending 15 days in South Korea, I believed- Korea's integration is possible. Because integration is the desire of the people living in both parts, but when it comes to time, we do not know what to do.

Now, let's talk about Republican Korea and Republic Nepal. In the 1960s, the republic was equal to all the economic, social and political issues of Korea and Nepal. In the sixty-six decades, Nepal's absolute rule started. At the same time, military rule began in Korea. There was a single time civil rights in both countries. Nepal was under pressure from India, and Korea was like the semi-colonies of America. In the name of development in Korea, the military rule was started, but Nepal also began to rebel for development, but the result was very different. Nepal became more and more poor and it became dark for the Magnesty nation, but South Korea unexpected development in the fame of absolute rule. What does this mean, the system is not prominent.

People at the top Then comes the team or Naidal. Then comes the system. This recognition has made examples of South Korea and Nepal. The Park's Challenge made Korea prosperous. Mahendra's compatibility made Nepal poor.
There is another similarity between Nepal and Korea. In Korean history, in 1980, Khwangju massacre reached a ruling tyranny by black tech. The government strongly condemned the publicity known as 'May 18'. In the ten to 18 to 27, the government killed 64 thousand people. The participants of the alleged massacre said in a Korean poet's statement - The road was hit by a soldier's tank, the road was rolled out in red blood.

In 1992, there was a great massacre. That democracy was one and the other part of the conflict that was divided towards the other. In comparison to Khangzhou, a lot of civilians were killed. The dictatorship collapsed and the king became the constitutional constitution.
The Democratic wave of the 90s led South Korea to the change of change. The Democrat Party, who took the idea of ​​Khwangju massacre, under the leadership of Kim Jiang Jing, won that wave. Kim Jung's government established the '18 Memory Memorial Establishment' and made a complaint to the victims. The court gave justice to the main criminals of the genocide. Two President, Park Chung, and Chan Doo Hwen had been convicted of death sentence, but the government gave life to both of them. Moreover, that government made the issue of integration of Korea as a national debate. The Korean integration ministry formed the ministry. The decline of erosion between north and south was reduced.

In Nepal also became the government of CPN (UML) in the 90s. The social reform work also started. In the history of Nepal, the work of the first welfare state started work according to the concept of state. Work on the road to be presented in the village village as the basic infrastructure for development. The slogan of the medieval highway today was the slogan that the CPN (UML) government had started to form itself.

Seventh people do not want the happiness of the people. Yes, do not want to see the face. Therefore, all the right hand power of the government, who had a public welfare concept, took away the constitution by eliminating it illegally. It was alleged that the court had done the work of making amendments to the constitution. In Korea, there was a constitutional demo-democratic government's government. The right party, who wanted to call you nationalist, brought the majority to the election. The same party won the presidential election. The relationship between the North-South between the beginning began to be tired.

Successful test of North Korea's nuclear weapons has spread terror in South Korea. South Korean television was not able to watch English language, but I was guaranteed to see the North Korea invading South Korea. '
Now a little bit. There are many things to learn from the Republic of Korea for Nepal. More than a dozen Nepalis have reached Nepali as a worker in the beginning of 1990. They are earning $ 40 million from their business monthly. At that time, 35 thousand Nepalis have been living in Korea, but those 9 4 organizations have been divided into the organization. Nepalese organizations never match each other. Nepali can not learn anything while sitting in Korea until the end of this situation.

The system is not a model of self development. Uttaka Nankunush Park Chung Helee made Korea a very capitalist. Nepal started becoming dark in the days of Yataka King Mahendra and Birendra. In Korea, there was a conflict between the South and the Democratic Republic of Democratic Republic. Due to the violent extremists in power, and the right hand, Nepal's continued migration continued to continue. The democratic party made the government by defeating the South-Left Nationalist Party and both, but in addition to strengthening the social justice system in public favor, it followed the government's policy in the field of development.

Apart from increasing Antarctic stress by the defeat of the Democratic Party, the democratic government's policy continued in the development of development. In us, it is considered to be the greatest supreme to destroy the policies and actions of the previous government. Everyone has the same raga to speak - political revolution has passed, the era of economic revolution started, but what is that economic revolution? No party has expressed solidarity. Unless the Congress and the Communist Party of Nepal agree in the economic development model and the prime minister's race is considered a synonym, then the development of Nepal's turtle will remain in motion.

I got a chance to cope with Nepali friends in seven places. I requested everyone to learn from Seep from Korea and return to Nepal. The same thing I told to Nepalese who was successful in industry business. Security and legal complexity, non-working environment, and security not to invest, arose from their side. The rich Nepali people are trying to invest in electricity, but work does not go - it was their complaint.
Those who use government in Nepal should address this complaint in a positive manner.

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