Friday, October 6, 2017

Migrant Labor Determination and Selection Process

1. Determine the number of resident workers and the country's selection agreement

Determining the Migrant Labor Policy Determination Department (Head of Ministers). (The number of migrant workers, work area, country choice and migrant workers will be important.)

2. To send workers, two countries have signed agreement (MOU) (Government of the country sending the government and workers of workers demanding countries)
In order to stop corruption during the sending of a worker and the agreement between the two countries, the agreement will be made. To prepare a employment application list for the migrant workers who want to employ a

3 employer who will determine the renewal relationship between the time of implementation of the agreement (government to ask for government and workers to send workers)

The Government of korea (government body) will be selected by the government (government body) of the sender to choose the result of Korean language, skip-test experience, and the required worker (more than anything else than the number of demands) will be selected.

Korea Human Resource Development Center will determine after preparing the employment list by sending the employment list. Employment of labor migrants and employment allowance distribution (Employment donor and Labor ministry)

For employment opportunities and conservation of indigenous workers, employment donor has been given the employment of employment workers from the employment center to provide employment to the indigenous workers for 3 days to 7 days, and they can apply for job permissions if they do not receive indigenous workers till the same period.

Qualified migrant workers are sent to Tiber number 'In the Kovel donors among the above-mentioned workers by recruiting the worker employment permit yourself to take reasonable vyavasthacha

5srama Accord (employers and migrant workers)
Completion of agreements (employment, time-to-day, work-place, work conditions and work-related period) 6. Execution of Configuration Workers (Employment Donor and Law Ministry)
Employee will take the visa confirmation number from the Ministry of Law by incorporating Employment Permission, Employment Agreements, etc. etc.

7. Employment of migrant workers (Employee donors and Migrant workers)
Employment donor should send migrant workers to Visa Confirmation, migrant workers will be allowed to leave Visas from the embassy in the concerned principal. The migrant workers who have been trapped in Korea (more than 20 hours) have to be oriented training.

8. Employment of employment of labor migrants (labor ministry) and migrant workers Workers' Korea Settlement Act (Law Ministry)
(Ministry of labor) Examiner of Labor Workers (job ministry), to make necessary consultation, free education (Labor Ministry, Human Resource Resource Department, affiliated organizations) companies leave vacancies, closure, workmanship etc. ) In coordination with the Ministry of Law and Labor Ministry, in coordination with the Ministry of Labor And will be dealt with sternly vyavasthapana.

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