Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Lost in America

The lighting officer of the municipality 4 of the area in the area can not express the happy word of the day that has been marked.
After knowing that it was happening, the light was shining light. After dreaming of 'dream' country of America, he felt like his dream was complete. By working on computers, the light was shaken in the morning.
But that job did not save a single money, nor was the loan to read. So Revelation had admitted a mixture of open-ended lambs for a year.

After arriving to America, money is found to be planted in the bottle, and it seemed as if life was so happy and prosperous. However, in the society of America, values ​​are similar to respect. The same would have happened in the light of light. If he went to America and had been earning money. But that's not. The light of Hartkotta in America was sick after arriving there. He did not think America was.

After going back to America, he screwed seven million rupees and took all the procedures. He did not even say that he could not afford to pay the loan. How to Lagos After all, he was thinking of staying in the light of Revelation.
'Go through the debt reading, save money and money.' But America gave me a unique disease instead of money, 'said Revelation. The light of the dream took place in 2072, when the light of the United States emerged, the light could not be identified.

Revelation worked in Boston in America for 15 days. The sword did not get a rupee. 15 day work gave him a quick bargain. The doctor has not even detected what is due to light.
After getting sick, light returned home for treatment. After treatment, he flew to America again 10 months later. He again cut three rupees loan to go to America. The light was healed.

The second time he started working in Colorado. Almost two and a half months worked. Then again the sick person persecuted him. Could not work After all of them suggested to return to Nepal, he returned to Nepal again.

In the past two months, he earned one lakh 48 thousand rupees. He told the friends that when he returned to Nepal. But after returning to Nepal, he defects the behavior of everyone.
'There is a difference between America and the United States, and the sky in the US, when there is in Nepal. Spend the night crying It was not even dreamed of that, 'The light was filled.' 'When I arrived in America, I felt like what I would do, but after coming there, I would defeat the crowd,' said Revelation. On the shoulder of America, he has a loan of 1.5 million rupees. The sick is singing daily.
After taking a sick child, earning anxiety,

Likewise, the mother of Prakash was interested in getting upset with her son. But he did not feel anything before Revelation went to America. Now, after the son's wishes, a healthy son is sick, Mother has been added to the concerned officer. 'A little work is done to get sick, what is it, I feel very worried about it,' said Diumaya.

The soul's belief that lending the light after healing the light is still not dead. She has been visiting Kathmandu and Atal Hospital. But his disease has not been a little less. The hospital does not even know when there is no money. The lord's interest light is paying Rs. 1.5 lakhs
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